
The Breaking Tax podcast is gearing up to launch, and it’s going to be hot… well, tax hot, anyway.

Join us in what we hope will be insightful conversations with big hitters in the world of tax as we delve into the murky depths of the UK’s financial labyrinth, with a healthy dose of humour and some serious knowledge bombs along the way.

Here's a taste of what you can expect:

In-depth interviews with experts:

We’ll be grilling policymakers, tax advisors, journalists, and everyday folks to dissect the system, expose the flaws, and uncover the truth.

Deep dives into specific topics:

From the intricacies of capital gains tax to the mysteries of tax havens, we’ll tackle the complex issues that impact your wallet and the nation’s finances.

Unpacking the latest news and policy changes:

We’ll cut through the jargon and analyze what the headlines mean for you, your business, and the future of the tax landscape.

Engaging discussions and debates:

We’ll bring diverse perspectives to the table, sparking healthy arguments and challenging the status quo.

And of course, a healthy dose of humor:

Because let’s face it, taxes aren’t exactly known for their comedic value, but we’re here to change that.

So, whether you’re a seasoned tax pro or just trying to decipher your payslip, this podcast is for you. Mark your calendars, because the tax revolution is about to be televised (or rather, podcasted).

But the countdown hasn’t started yet:

The official launch date is still classified, but you can be the first to know when the mics get hot by registering your interest below.

Stay tuned…

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